Shopify Capital Loan

Updated June 26, 2020

If you are needing currently needing a loan and are a Shopify user, this could be the perfect place to find one. The application process is automated and hassle-free. Your store could qualify to receive a loan based on your store sales within just a few days. Without taking up too much time or effort, you could receive a loan from $200 up to $1 million.

The Shopify Capital Loan is a lump sum that you could receive for a fixed borrowing cost. If you receive a loan, it will be deposited into your business bank account and Shopify will begin taking a percentage of your daily sales/revenue (except test orders) until the total owed (loan amount + interest) is repaid at the end of 12 months.

Requesting a Loan

You are able to view your options and request a loan from your Capital page in your Shopify admin.

  1. From your home page as a Shopify admin, go to Settings and select Capital.

  2. Look for the eligibility message and press View funding offers.

  3. You will see 3 funding options.

  4. Click Request underneath the one that you want.

  5. Closely, look over the Terms and Conditions.

  6. Select the Shopify Capital Agreement, which will open in another browser tab.

  7. Review and accept terms, and click Accept terms.

You will hear back to see if you have been approved within 2-5 business days from Shopify. If approved, the loan will be deposited into your business bank account. Two days after the loan has been deposited, Shopify Capital will start debiting the daily repayment from your business bank account based on the revenue of each day.

Keeping Track of Loan Repayments

The loan’s 12-month term has 60-day repayment cycles. Each repayment cycle is called a milestone, which has a minimum amount that must be paid back at the end of each 60 days. If you don’t meet a milestone payment, Shopify will debit it from your business bank account.

To view the remaining balance you owe, you can view it as a Shopify admin under Shopify Capital. Once you are on the Capital page, the following information below will be available for you to view.

  1. The remaining balance of the total owed

  2. The amount of the total owed that has been repaid

  3. The transfer history of repayments

Repaying the Remaining Balance

You can repay any amount greater than $20 against your loan, or the remaining balance in a lump sum. The payment would be debited to the same account that was associated with your Shopify business account.

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Click Capital

  3. Select Make a payment

  4. Enter the amount you want to pay

    • If you are going to pay a lump sum, enter the amount in the Custom field amount.

    • To pay the remaining amount, select Full remaining balance

    • Go to Next step to review the amount you are paying

    • Press Make a payment (you will receive an email confirmation)

Eligible Stores

Stores located in these US states can apply for the Shopify Capital loan.

  • Arizona

  • Idaho

  • Illinois

  • Indiana

  • Iowa

  • Kansas

  • Louisiana

  • Maine

  • North Carolina

  • South Carolina

  • Utah

  • Washington

  • Wisconsin

  • Wyoming

Shopify is a great platform to keep your business busy even when you aren’t open. If you have any other questions, feel free to check out our You can also use free resources like our Shopify 101 tutorials to get started and selling online in less than a day!