How to Make a Product Photography Box

See how easy it is to make your own photo box!

See how easy it is to make your own photo box!

DIY Product Photography

When you’re just getting started, pinching pennies is of the essence. That said, having stunning product photos is important when selling online.

Product Photo Box for Under $20

Making a Product Photography Box is super easy and affordable for anyone that needs to capture professional looking images of their work. 

Product Photo Box Materials


The material list is short and inexpensive.

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Tape bottom of box together and leave the top open.

  2. Measure and cut (or trace) square (approx 8.5 x 11) holes on the 2 sides of the box. It’s okay to have a ledge/not all the way down to the bottom of the box.

  3. Measure the size of the fabric to fit to the wholes. You want the material to be a little bigger than the actual holes. 

  4. For the inside of the box, measure and cut poster board paper so it’s long enough to drape down far enough to put an object there to photograph without seeing the box. The paper needs to fill the box width. Tape paper to the top of the inside of the box.

  5. Tape the bulbs at the top of the box to drape down onto the sides for light or place the desk lamps on the two sides of the box pointing into the box. 

  6. Take photos in a dark environment with lamps for best results! 

There’s no need to spend money on an expensive photography box when you can assemble one in 10 minutes yourself and get the same results!  

Product Photo Box Video Tutorial: 

Make a product photo box for under $20 with this simple photography box tutorial. eCommerce photography can be fun!