The Shopify Express Theme

Updated September 7, 2021

Free Shopify Theme: Express

If you are looking to get your Shopify store up and running and selling as soon as possible, the Express theme allows you to do so. Shopify’s express theme gives a professional and polished look and is best intended for stores with small or medium inventories. The express theme is a one-page store with a collapsible cart and product models with a user-friendly approachable design. You can be up and running in minutes and start selling immediately!

Using Express:

  1. Start selling right away without a lot of modifications to your page

  2. Want a one-page store that allows customers to get to know and understand your products/services

  3. Not each product that you sell has been photographed

Customizing Express:

Using Shopify is easy and straight forward to use. While, the Express theme has the luxury of getting online as soon as possible, you are still able to modify its sections and settings to your liking by using the theme editor. On Shopify, sections are areas of content that make up the layout of different pages on your e-commerce store. Shopify’s theme settings it what allows you to change fonts, colors, social media links, and checkout appearance. You can have up to 25 sections on your page and re-arrange and remove them to create a layout you love and fits your store best.

Sections to use Express Theme:

  1. Header

  2. Footer

  3. Featured collections

  4. Featured product

  5. Product modal

  6. Image with text

  7. Checkout cart

Shopify is a great platform to keep your business busy even when you aren’t open. If you have any other questions, feel free to check out our You can also use free resources like our Shopify 101 tutorials to get started and selling online in less than a day!

Here are some of our most popular resources for getting started with Shopify:

Get It Made eCommerce Business 101 Articles

Get It Made Shopify 101 YouTube

Free Apps for Shopify

Printful - sell a variety of products online without investing in inventory (Print on Demand)

Privy - free pop ups to offer discounts and newsletter building with paid premium options

EcoReturns - free automated return request handling and paid premium options for preventing returns

Other Resources for Getting Started

Fiverr - get graphics made, get marketing and other freelance services on ay budget

Carson - get custom Shopify pages and other theme tweaks by the task