eCommerce Conversions by the Numbers

On average, only 1.94 percent of ecommerce website visits convert into a purchase.

69.57 percent of shopping carts are abandoned.

High extra costs are the top reason shoppers abandon carts.

High extra costs are the top reason shoppers abandon carts.

Abandoned cart follow-up emails have an average open rate of 41.09 percent.

In comparison, according to Campaign Monitor, the average email open rate is just 18.0 percent.

On average, 52 percent of online stores have omnichannel capabilities.

Nearly half (48 percent) of online shoppers simply head straight to a large ecommerce marketplace.

Mobile ecommerce accounts for 45 percent of US ecommerce sales.

annual mobile ecommerce sales in the US are projected to grow from $284 billion in 2020 to $488 billion in 2024.

Ecommerce Statistic #19: Younger people shop online more than older people.


  • 38.4 percent of online shoppers in the US are below the age of 35.

  • The biggest group of digital buyers is millennials aged 25 to 34.

  • Just 14.4 percent of people who shop online in the US are 65 years old and above.

  • More than one-third of small businesses (37%) don’t have a website.

  • Nearly one-third of small businesses (29%) have a website primarily to better rank in search engine results.

  • Almost a quarter of small businesses (23%) struggle with the time and expertise required to build and maintain a website.

  • Most small businesses (69%) have in-house employees managing their websites, but more than three-quarters (77%) of those in-house employees balance running the website with other responsibilities.

  • Visual content is the most popular form of website content for small businesses, and the most effective at driving traffic back to small business websites.

Carrie Leigh